About me

I was born in a house crowded with books. Reading intensively from the earliest age gave structure and organisation to my mind, as well as a vast vocabulary, and a precise understanding/intuition of the language. I studied translation right from college, and then went on to get my bachelor degree from Laval University, Québec, Canada.

I started to travel I was 16 years old, and thus I have been in contact with many very unusual realities. Thanks to the discipline of self-development, I have developed a systematic, rational and analytical approach to knowledge and research, as well as to the movements of my psyche.

Through intense effort, study, and discipline I have cured myself of 4 uncurable diseases that have plagued my life for two decades (among which Fibromyalgia – which is a chronic PTSD – see the Blog section to know more).

Thanks to this extensive investigation into self and health, and to traveling, I got to meet very interesting and competent people who shared their knowledge, which helped me understand true reality – vs the fake science and medical propaganda that almost killed me during 10 years of allopathic “treatment” (in the not actually free Canadian healthcare). And that is why I was able to cure myself completely:

Because, when you have the right information, you get actual results.

I also acquired good technical understanding with mechanics in general because of the activities I do: mountain bike/downhill, dirt bike, car/motorcycle/engine maintenance, long board, mountain climbing, skydiving, etc.

And I have extensive knowledge in the fields of philosophy, meditation, yoga, quantum physics, etc. and even “conspiracy” topics. I do not “judge” information, I analyse it because I have a passion for understanding the world, and myself as a human being on this planet.

I am not your typical translator. I am a rational, down to earth and humble individual, who is extremely curious and likes to understand the world. I am extremely aware of my strengths and my weaknesses, and thus concentrate on growing my qualities to compensate my flaws… because nobody is perfect.

In my opinion, warranted by 25 years of experience in translation offices, managing/training translators, and being freelance: Too many translators are under the illusion that they are perfect or the “only best in the world”. Which invites and fosters arrogance, control, and ignorance.

I have never been so naïve, which also makes me very pleasant to work with.



Bachelors of Arts: Translation

Laval University (Quebec City – Canada)


Major in Translation, Literature & Languages.

College of Rimouski, Qc.


Work Experience



Traveling, research and writing. Editor in various domains for worldwide clients.


Revisor at Telus Mobilite

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First Editor and Supervisor at Groupe Onscope/MOZ Traduction

Revision, quality-assurance, tutoring translators, supervise teams and projects. Writing and issuing of linguistic information and guidelines; terminology decisions, commented revisions, coaching, etc.


Translator & Editor at Lexitech International

Technical, Computer sciences, Aerospace, Marketing, Telephony, Car mechanics, Sports, Marketing, Audiovisual, Transports, Literature, Social sciences, Government, Science, Patents, etc.


Translator at Bombardier Recreational Products

Translation into French of repair manuals, driver’s guides and marketing documents. Domains: Mechanics of motor vehicles such as snowmobiles, quads and personal watercrafts.


Writer & Translator at Novo Technologie

Writing and translating user manuals; computer telephony and digital recording, publicity, technical documents, requests for bids, reports, intervention reports and Marketing.


Marketing Agent at Druide Informatique

Demonstration of the French dictionary and editing software to a large public, training of institutional clients
